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PoliticHook is a service that scrapes Financial Disclosure Reports filed by U.S. Congress members and sends you email notifications about their stock trades. Notifications are real-time when disclosures are published, though members have approximately 30 days after a stock purchase to file. Free plans get delayed alerts, while paid plans offer instant updates once the disclosure is available.

We offer four plans:
  • Free ($0/month) - 1 random member, delayed alerts
  • Bronze ($2.99/month) - 1 chosen member, real-time alerts
  • Silver ($5.99/month) - up to 4 members, real-time alerts
  • Gold ($12.99/month) - up to 20 members, real-time alerts
Check our Pricing page for details!

Sign up with your email, choose a plan, and select your Congress members (randomly assigned on Free). You'll start receiving email notifications—delayed on Free, or instantly on paid plans—whenever a trade is reported.

We scrape data from Financial Disclosure Reports filed with the Clerk of the House, as required by the Ethics in Government Act and the STOCK Act. These public records detail the income sources, types, and amounts for Congress members and candidates.

Paid plans (Bronze, Silver, Gold) get real-time notifications as soon as financial disclosures are published, though Congress members have about 30 days after a stock purchase to file. The Free plan has an additional delay of a few days after filing to encourage upgrading.

Yes! You can upgrade or downgrade your plan anytime, and changes take effect in your next billing cycle. On paid plans, you can also adjust your selected Congress members whenever you want.

We rely on public filings, so notifications depend on when Congress members submit their reports. If a filing is late or incomplete, we'll notify you as soon as the data becomes available.

Absolutely. We use industry-standard encryption to protect your email and account details. We don't share or sell your information—your privacy is our priority.

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